How do I start LiveSupport in Knoppix?
  • I may be making a bad assumption but I was under the impression that LiveSupport was able to be run off the Knoopix CD. When I select the LiveSupport-Studio icon on the desktop, a pop-up message says "Authetication Server not available"

    The little quickstart says
    "...The K Desktop environment (KDE), which is very similar to Windows, will appear. To start the LiveSupport Studio application, click on its desktop icon."

    What else am I supposed to do?

    As a side note (seeing I can't get it working to see for myself) can I have multiple playlists playing at the same time through different outputs. I have a Delta 1010LT and I'm figuring LiveSupport is what I need to get a play different scheduled playlists out different channels. Can it do it? If not then I've come to the wrong place.
