[ls-support] New Packages 1.0.2-3 released
  • Hi Folks,

    I want to announce the we have new debian package version for LiveSupport
    1.0.2, which solve an dependency problem.
    A single dependency (php4-cli) caused lot of problem for people who started
    with new system.

    To get them on your system, you need:
    1. add "http://code.campware.org/debian sarge main" to /etc/apt/sources.list
    2. run "apt-get update"
    3. run "apt-get install livesupport-studio" (will install also ls-libs and

    That should be all.

    For those who like to user dpkg to instal packages, they also available at
    Take care to download the 1.0.2-3 releases.

    Waiting for comments,

    ls-support mailing list
  • 9 Comments sorted by
  • On Ubuntu some problems are left with the current packages.

    Problem description:

    1. Ubuntu uses other path/setup for postgresql. The config files are in
    /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/, already ticketed:
    2. The postgresql.conf forces to use ssl and avoid using tcpip connections
    3. The postscript ipt is named differently
    4. Ubuntu uses PHP5 as standard version. The control-file does not take care
    to install php5-pgsql

    Manual solution:

    0. Prepere to install LiveSupport
    - First you need to remove comments in front of those lines in
    deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe
    deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe
    - Add line "deb http://code.campware.org/debian sarge main" to same file
    - If you have good internet connectivity, comment out the cdrom source in
    first line, elsewhere put in the ubuntu cdrom
    - Do an "apt-get update" to retrive lists of additional packages
    - Start installing livesupport with all dependencys by typing "apt-get
    install livesupport-studio"
    This will install all needet packages, but breaks because of above

    open /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/postgresql.conf, add "tcpip_socket=true"
    and comment out "sll = true"
    3. start /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4 manually
    4. install php5-pgsql: "apt-get install php5-pgsql"

    Last step should complete install of LiveSupport too.

    I tested this with an clean, brand new minimal installation of Ubuntu,
    without any additional package.


    ls-support mailing list
  • Small correction to previous mail:

    3. The postgresql startup script is named differently
    ls-support mailing list
  • Hi there,

    This is my first post here, and I hope to write more about how to build a web radio with LiveSupport soon. I'm still trying to get it working without a soundcard. I think this project is really interesting!

    I would like to add to this post that the Postgresql problem you mention there is on Debian distributions too. I followed all the steps to change the configuration file and seems to work well.

    Greetings from Spain.
  • phorum@code.campware.org wrote:
    > This is my first post here, and I hope to write more about how to
    > build a web radio with LiveSupport soon. I'm still trying to get it

    please note that LiveSupport currently does not directly support
    creating web radios. it will do so in 1.2 though

    > working without a soundcard. I think this project is really
    > interesting!

    well, can't really create a radio without a sound card either. after
    all, you have to hear something Smile

    > I would like to add to this post that the Postgresql problem you
    > mention there is on Debian distributions too. I followed all the
    > steps to change the configuration file and seems to work well.

    good to hear

    ls-support mailing list
  • > Author: mklsbd

    > I would like to add to this post that the Postgresql problem you
    > mention there is on Debian distributions too. I followed all the
    > steps to change the configuration file and seems to work well.


    I cannot see this problem on debian. Using current version (sarge, download
    some days ago) anything went fine.
    Can you describe what you found different/similar to Ubuntu on your system?


    ls-support mailing list
  • Sebastian Goebel wrote:
    > I cannot see this problem on debian. Using current version (sarge, download
    > some days ago) anything went fine.
    > Can you describe what you found different/similar to Ubuntu on your system?

    I would bet a Krusovice dvanactku that he is using testing (etch).
    ls-support mailing list
  • Whoops! Just realised I had made a silly typo. Sorry - ignore most of this - the repositry works fine...[/edit]

    Hi - I was very excited to discover this project and I'm desperate to try out LiveSupport.

    I'm running Ubuntu Breezy, and I have a problem installing the packages from the instructions given above - apt doesn't seem to recognise the code.campware.org repositry.
    The line I added to my apt sources was:

    deb http://code.campware.org/debian sarge main

    ..and I've made the other changes as described. Is there a problem with the repositry? Or have I missed something?

    I look forward to getting this running and making some kind of contribution to this extremely worthwhile project.

  • Did you run "apt-get update" after changing sources.list?
    If yes, it would prompt an message with maybee useful information if the
    source is unavailable. But as far I can see there is nothing wrong with the


    > -----Urspr
  • Hi Ferenc,

    You're right, I'm using a testing dist Smile
    It's possible that the default config of the testing package is the same that the config which comes with Ubuntu?

    I'm still trying to get my little experiment working but I don't have any result at the moment, so if I can't do it I will wait for the version 1.2. Great work guys!