Re: [ls-support] Finaly installation of sarge + livesupport = succes
  • wrote:
    > stupid one : how to run the livesupport station ?

    Not stupid, but confusing, because you said you could start it already.
    To clarify, there is

    (1) the livesupport-station daemon, which is running in the background.
    It should not be necessary to start it, because it is started
    automatically when the package is installed, and after that at each
    bootup. If something goes wrong, you can start it with
    '/etc/init.d/livesupport-station start' and stop it with
    '/etc/init.d/livesupport-station stop'. Only root can do this.

    (2) the Station interface; you can start this by opening the location
    'http://localhost/livesupport' in your web browser. This can be used by
    all users, but only if the livesupport-station daemon has already been

    (2) the Studio interface; you can start this by typing
    '/opt/livesupport/bin/' in a console. (*) This can also
    be used by all users, and this also needs the livesupport-station daemon
    to be running in the background.

    > When I open the LS with a brower I have
    > Error: Cannot connect to Scheduler
    > what does that means ?
    > How to solve ?

    Start the daemon.

    > and other supid one : I did not find how to add a stream

    You can't, yet. The documentation got a bit ahead of the development:
    web streams are not supported in version 1.0.2 yet.


    (*) There should be a launcher for this in the menu under
    Applications/Sound or Applications/Multimedia/Sound, but that does not
    work yet, I think. Of course, you can create your own launcher.

    ls-support mailing list
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • You means all that application does not play anything ! All that and we cannot hear anything !
    The most important part is not done ? Or I misunderstood !

    How to create a laucher ?
    I war to listen ( at least whith my sound card !) or with icecast2 or shoutcast.
    Is it possible to make a bridge between livesupport and a streamer ? And How ?
  • wrote:
    > You means all that application does not play anything ! All that and we cannot hear anything !
    > The most important part is not done ? Or I misunderstood !

    you can listen to the output of livesupport through your soundcard,
    that's the point

    > How to create a laucher ?
    > I war to listen ( at least whith my sound card !) or with icecast2 or shoutcast.
    > Is it possible to make a bridge between livesupport and a streamer ? And How ?

    livesupport currently does not directly support streaming (will do in
    version 1.1 though). you can feed in the audio output into your audio
    input though, and encode that with any live encoder and send it to your
    streaming server..


    ls-support mailing list