Cannot start LiveStation after fresh install

  • Hellow,

    I have at least compiled LS from the 1.0 official repository without any error message, but it is useless up to now:

    when starting the scheduler I get:

    Starting the LiveSupport scheduler...
    using config file '/usr/local/livesupport/etc/scheduler.xml'
    error executing command start
    authentication problem: Login method returned fault response:
    [faultCode:805,faultString:ERROR:xrLocStor: 2 pg_exec(): Query failed: ERROR: relation "ls_tree" does not exist (/usr/local/livesupport/lib/pear/DB/pgsql.php:335)]

    when I try I get in a window bubble:
    authentication server not available

    when accessing via the web i get the JavaScript message:
    Station preferences not setup proberly

    I am then signed in as user "Object" and cannot log out.

    Please HELP !
