LiveSupport Installer CD Location?
  • Hi. I would like to try the LiveSupport Installer CD since I could never get LS going on FreeBSD. I've looked at the Sourceforge download page as well as the Campware site, however I don't see the Installer CD anywhere.

    Thanks in advance.

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hi,

    I'm really looking forward to this LiveCD too! I tried to run it on a gentoo-machine, but since it was my first attempt on gentoo too (Debian before), it didn't work out very well.
    I would like to run LS in our school radiostudio. We are running a campus radio which has his listeners all over our province, but the scheduling/jingles/etc are mostly kinda crewed, so I looked after a good (and especially cheap!) solution. That's when I came on LS Smile. The software looks outstanding! And you wouldn't believe it maybe, but I'm following this project for quite a while now, and it seems there's still alot of new things come up! Keep up the good work guys! And thanks for the work so far!

    As for the LiveCD, I saw in the LS Development thread that Douglas would upload the cd to SF a couple of days ago.
    Thanks in advance!

    Friendly greetings,
  • Oh, I thought it was already out since I saw bug reports and other things already about the installer CD, but never could find a link.
