PHP problems
  • Hi everybody,

    I installed LiveSupport RC2 using the debian packages (yes I know they're buggy, but I'm lazy Wink I'm running Debian unstable. I've got php4, postgresql 7.4 and apache2 up and running.

    Installation wasn't without problems, but as far as I can tell everything succeeded now.

    However when I try to start the scheduler I have the following error:

    studio:/opt/livesupport/bin# ./scheduler -c /opt/livesupport/etc/scheduler.xml start

    using config file '/opt/livesupport/etc/scheduler.xml'

    error executing command start

    authentication problem: Login method returned fault response:

    [faultCode:805,faultString:ERROR:xrLocStor: 2 pg_pconnect(): Cannot create new link. Too many open links (0) (/opt/livesupport/lib/pear/DB/pgsql.php:278)]

    Well obviously this is a PHP error. So I tested the DB connection with a standalone PHP script:

    $test1 = pg_pconnect("host=localhost dbname=LiveSupport user=livesupport password=livesupport") || die("Unable to connect 1");

    $test2 = pg_pconnect("host=localhost dbname=LiveSupport user=livesupport password=livesupport") || die("Unable to connect 2 ");

    echo "Success!";

    studio:/home/dweazle# php test.php


    No problems there..

    Somehow it looks like livesupport isn't using the systemwide php settings (on my system in /etc/php4/cli/php.ini), but it's own. I've searched the whole /opt/livesupport tree, but I can't find any php.ini whatsoever.

    Any ideas?

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • I had same error on htmlUI after doing wrong setup of php.ini. Check
    "pgsql.allow_persistent = On".

    Note: you will have at least 2 php.ini files on you system, one for the
    apache module and the onther for php-cgi. I am not sure if StorageServer now
    use the cgi?
    check booth files, usually in /etc/php4/apache/php.ini and
    /etc/php4/cgi/php.ini, maybee also /etc/php4/cli/php.ini
  • The php.ini's were fine, but an apachectl restart did the trick Smile I should have thought about that.

    It works now! Thanks!
  • Just test if it works permanently. As my php.ini was misconfigures, the
    first request after apache restart was fine, than it went wrong again. Just
    open htmlUI and reloade the page.


    > -----Urspr