[campsite-support] Installation of Campsite 2.4.1 - invalid publication alias
  • ----- Forwarded by Douglas Arellanes/Mdlf on 01/16/2006 12:11 PM -----

    Jonathan Weeks
    01/16/2006 12:05 PM

    To: contact@campware.org
    Subject: Installation of Campsite 2.4.1 - invalid publication alias


    Campsite sounds like exactly the application that I have been looking for
    and a few days ago I rented a server to install it. I wonder if you could
    give me some advice?

    I installed all of the prerequisites as far as I know - things like
    libcurl, libidn and Imagemagick - and made what appeared to be a
    successful installation of Campsite. I could not access it through the
    default directories /usr/local/ so I installed it to
    /home//public_html/ (for the publicly accessible website) thus
    the initial Campsite instance is

    To solve errors caused by Campsite looking for the document root in
    /public_html/, I reset the server alias (in httpd.conf) to the full
    address of the Campsite instance. However, I now get the following

    "Inte! rnal server error - invalid publication alias "

    Can you tell me where I am going wrong and what the defaults should be?
    (My apologies but I am not experienced in Linux or server management.)

    FYI, I also set $SERVER-NAME to equal my domain name in
    campsite-vhost.conf, included this file in httpd.conf and restarted

    My server details are:

    Linux Fedora Core 1
    Apache 1.3.33
    PHP 4.3.11
    MySQL 4.0.25
    Path to sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
    Machine type i686

    Thank you in advance for any help you can give.

    With kind regards,

    To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hi Jonathan,

    It seems you didn't configure Campsite properly at install time. Please send me the configuration file install_conf.php. From what I read is should be in /home//public_html/etc directory.


    Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org wrote:
    ----- Forwarded by Douglas Arellanes/Mdlf on 01/16/2006 12:11 PM -----

    Jonathan Weeks 01/16/2006 12:05 PM

    To: contact@campware.org
    Subject: Installation of Campsite 2.4.1 - invalid publication alias


    Campsite sounds like exactly the application that I have been looking for and a few days ago I rented a server to install it. I wonder if you could give me some advice?

    I installed all of the prerequisites as far as I know - things like libcurl, libidn and Imagemagick - and made what appeared to be a successful installation of Campsite. I could not access it through the default directories /usr/local/ so I installed it to /home//public_html/ (for the publicly accessible website) thus the initial Campsite instance is /home//public_html/campsite/www/campsite/html/.

    To solve errors caused by Campsite looking for the document root in /public_html/, I reset the server alias (in httpd.conf) to the full address of the Campsite instance. However, I now get the following message:

    "Inte! rnal server error - invalid publication alias "

    Can you tell me where I am going wrong and what the defaults should be? (My apologies but I am not experienced in Linux or server management.)

    FYI, I also set $SERVER-NAME to equal my domain name in campsite-vhost.conf, included this file in httpd.conf and restarted Apache.

    My server details are:

    Linux Fedora Core 1
    Apache 1.3.33
    PHP 4.3.11
    MySQL 4.0.25
    Path to sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
    Machine type i686

    Thank you in advance for any help you can give.

    With kind regards,


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