[livesupport-dev] Ubuntu packages build
  • Sebastian Goebel wrote:
    > after spending lot of time to make the station package able to
    > install without any manual intervention, I think we should have
    > separate package for Ubuntu. I solved: path to postgresql config is
    > /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/ startup script is
    > /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4
    > Than I failed with postgresql again and again. First it was just
    > listed as Depends, so it was not configured at the moment
    > postInstallStation.sh tryed to change it's configuration file. Even
    > after I setup all postgresql packages to be Pre-Depends, it does not
    > work. For me it have to do with diverge package naming: on sarge the
    > database server itself is called postgresql (even if it is version
    > 7.4), on ubuntu it is called postgresql-7.4 (there is postgresql too,
    > containing database "management system"). In control file I setup
    > postgresql-7.4 | postgresql
    > to sadisfy booth, but it seems that ubuntu handle postgresql as
    > Pre-Depends and postgresql-7.4 just at Depends in dependency from
    > postgresql, not origin from the control file.

    now you can start to see why I dislike apt and debian in general - these
    package convetions are just a pain in the ass

    > So, my questions are: Should we start devoloping different packages?
    > If I count the reation on the mailing list, there is just one people
    > interested in this yet. If we need to build X packages, it will take
    > X*time. Therefore we should have separated brunches on svn.

    not really.

    in the best case, the only thing you'd need to do is to re-create the
    packages on all target platforms (debian, ubuntu, whatever), using the
    very same control file.

    if the same control file can't be worked out (I don't see why though),
    then there's only a need to have a seperate set of them for each distro.
    but that's not a different branch either - we'd just have a set of
    debian direcotries under livesupport/etc for debian, ubuntu, etc.


    PS: we could move this discussion to the dev list, maybe some debian /
    ubuntu ethusiasts would come to help..
  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • The reason that one control file will not sadisfy different needs for ubuntu and sarge seems this:

    for debian we need to have Postgresql listed in control file, but no Postgresql-7.4 is available
    For ubuntu we need to have Postgresql-7.4 listed, because Postgresql is just database managment package, not including database server. Ask the ubuntu guys why they make things other then common way.

    To sadisfy booth tryed to use following entrys in control file:

    Package: livesupport-station
    Architecture: any
    Pre-Depends: php5-cli | php4-cli,
    postgresql-7.4 | postgresql (>= 7.4),
    postgresql-client (>=7.4)
    Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
    livesupport-libs (>= ${dpkg:Version}),
    apache | apache2,
    php5-pgsql | php4-pgsql,
    libapache-mod-php4 | libapache2-mod-php4 | php5

    I would read it this way:
    postgresql-7.4 is pre-required, so it will installed and configured if available (-> Ubuntu)
    Elsewhere just postgresql (->Sarge). But it seems working this way:
    postgresql is installed completly (-> booth distros), which requires postgresql-7.4 (on ubuntu), but this dependency is configured in Postgresql's control file and seems not Pre-Depends.

    Anyway, it is defnitly not configured at the moment postInstallStation.sh want to change the config files.

    > if the same control file can't be worked out (I don't see why though),
    > then there's only a need to have a seperate set of them for each distro.
    > but that's not a different branch either - we'd just have a set of
    > debian direcotries under livesupport/etc for debian, ubuntu, etc.
  • Sebastian Goebel wrote:
    > I would read it this way:
    > postgresql-7.4 is pre-required, so it will installed and configured if available (-> Ubuntu)
    > Elsewhere just postgresql (->Sarge). But it seems working this way:
    > postgresql is installed completly (-> booth distros), which requires postgresql-7.4 (on ubuntu), but this dependency is configured in Postgresql's control file and seems not Pre-Depends.
    > Anyway, it is defnitly not configured at the moment postInstallStation.sh want to change the config files.

    ok, then we might need two sets of control files, so we might want to
    split the etc/debian directory into etc/debian/debian and
    /etc/debian/ubuntu . then in bin/createDebianPackages.sh , we have to
    chose which one to include in the final, debianized form.


    PS: could you use a mailer that limits lines to 74 columns?
  • root@ubuntu:~# apt-get install livesupport-station
    Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
    Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut... Fertig
    Die folgenden zusätzlichen Pakete werden installiert:
    apache apache-common apache2-common apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils defoma fontconfig gcc-3.3-base libapache2-mod-php4 libapr0
    libboost-date-time1.33.0 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libid3tag0 libidn11 libjpeg62 libkrb53 libltdl3 libmad0 libogg0 libpcre3 libpng12-0
    libpq3 libpq4 libstdc++5 libvorbis0a libvorbisenc2 libx11-6 libxau6 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxft2 libxml2 libxrender1 libxslt1.1 libxv1 libzzip-0-12
    livesupport-libs odbc-postgresql odbcinst1debian1 openssl perl perl-base perl-modules php-db php-http php-mail php-net-smtp php-net-socket php-pear
    php-xml-parser php4 php4-common php4-domxml php4-pear php5-cli php5-common php5-pgsql postgresql postgresql-7.4 postgresql-client
    postgresql-client-7.4 postgresql-common ssl-cert ttf-bitstream-vera ucf unixodbc x-common xkeyboard-config xlibs
    Vorgeschlagene Pakete:
    apache-doc apache-ssl apache-perl apache2-doc lynx www-browser defoma-doc psfontmgr x-ttcidfont-conf dfontmgr libfreetype6-dev krb5-doc krb5-user
    ca-certificates libterm-readline-gnu-perl libterm-readline-perl-perl postgresql-doc-7.4 libmyodbc libct1
    Empfohlene Pakete:
    libft-perl xml-core perl-doc php-auth-sasl postgresql-plpython-7.4 postgresql-plperl-7.4 postgresql-pltcl-7.4 debconf-utils
    Die folgenden NEUEN Pakete werden installiert:
    apache apache-common apache2-common apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils defoma fontconfig gcc-3.3-base libapache2-mod-php4 libapr0
    libboost-date-time1.33.0 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libid3tag0 libidn11 libjpeg62 libkrb53 libltdl3 libmad0 libogg0 libpcre3 libpng12-0
    libpq3 libpq4 libstdc++5 libvorbis0a libvorbisenc2 libx11-6 libxau6 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxft2 libxml2 libxrender1 libxslt1.1 libxv1 libzzip-0-12
    livesupport-libs livesupport-station odbc-postgresql odbcinst1debian1 openssl perl perl-modules php-db php-http php-mail php-net-smtp php-net-socket
    php-pear php-xml-parser php4 php4-common php4-domxml php4-pear php5-cli php5-common php5-pgsql postgresql postgresql-7.4 postgresql-client
    postgresql-client-7.4 postgresql-common ssl-cert ttf-bitstream-vera ucf unixodbc x-common xkeyboard-config xlibs
    Die folgenden Pakete werden aktualisiert:
    1 aktualisiert, 71 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 9 nicht aktualisiert.
    Es müssen 41,0MB Archive geholt werden.
    Nach dem Auspacken werden 140MB Plattenplatz zusätzlich benutzt.
    Möchten Sie fortfahren [J/n]?
    WARNUNG: Die folgenden Pakete können nicht authentifiziert werden!
    livesupport-libs livesupport-station
    Diese Pakete ohne
  • > Richte postgresql-7.4 ein (7.4.8-17ubuntu1) ...
    > Creating new cluster (configuration: /etc/postgresql/7.4/main, data: /var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main)...
    > mkdir: kann Verzeichnis �/var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main/base� nicht anlegen: Auf dem Gerät ist kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar

    Seems like you are out of disk space. No amount of fiddling with the
    control file is going to fix that. Smile

  • Ha, such a shame to overlook this.
    Thanks for attentoin!

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Ferenc Gerlits [mailto:fgerlits@gmail.com]
    > Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:41 PM
    > To: livesupport-dev@campware.org
    > Subject: Re: [livesupport-dev] Ubuntu packages build
    > > Richte postgresql-7.4 ein (7.4.8-17ubuntu1) ...
    > > Creating new cluster (configuration: /etc/postgresql/7.4/main,
    > data: /var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main)...
    > > mkdir: kann Verzeichnis �/var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main/base�
    > nicht anlegen: Auf dem Gerät ist kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar
    > >
    > Seems like you are out of disk space. No amount of fiddling with the
    > control file is going to fix that. Smile
    > Ferenc