On Ubuntu some problems are left with the current packages.
Problem description:
1. Ubuntu uses other path/setup for postgresql. The config files are in
/etc/postgresql/7.4/main/, already ticketed: http://code.campware.org/projects/livesupport/ticket/1561
2. The postgresql.conf forces to use ssl and avoid using tcpip connections
3. The postscript ipt is named differently
4. Ubuntu uses PHP5 as standard version. The control-file does not take care
to install php5-pgsql
Manual solution:
0. Prepere to install LiveSupport
- First you need to remove comments in front of those lines in
deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe
deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe
- Add line "deb http://code.campware.org/debian sarge main" to same file
- If you have good internet connectivity, comment out the cdrom source in
first line, elsewhere put in the ubuntu cdrom
- Do an "apt-get update" to retrive lists of additional packages
- Start installing livesupport with all dependencys by typing "apt-get
install livesupport-studio"
This will install all needet packages, but breaks because of above
open /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/postgresql.conf, add "tcpip_socket=true"
and comment out "sll = true"
3. start /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4 manually
4. install php5-pgsql: "apt-get install php5-pgsql"
Last step should complete install of LiveSupport too.
I tested this with an clean, brand new minimal installation of Ubuntu,
without any additional package.