[livesupport-dev] new 1.0.2 LiveSupport-Knoppix CD images on SourceForge
  • I just uploaded the new LiveSupport Knoppix CD images to SourceForge,
    that contain the 1.0.2-2 debian packages:


    please try them out, so that we can see how they work...

  • 28 Comments sorted by
  • > One weirdness: the jingles are on the Studio scratchpad at startup
    > (yay!), but not on the Station scratchpad. I don't understand how this
    > is possible.

    Now I do; it's because of

    It will be fixed in 1.1; in the meantime, we need to create the
    scratchpad items twice on the demo CD.
  • > * get rid of "station preferences not set up properly" warning
    > in html UI;

    Shouldn't we get rid of this at all, not just Knoppix version? I never found
    it much useful, better to set up some default values.
  • In the installed version:

    > * The apache, postgresql and livesupport services are not started.

    This is OK; services are started.

    > * I could not start xmms from the browser (by clicking on an audio clip
    > and selecting "Listen"). First time I tried, the browser crashed; on
    > later attempts, it opened xmms at its "open file" filesystem browser
    > window instead of playing the audio clip.

    Not OK; same behaviour.

    > * Studio does not like both outputs set to /dev/dsp. I cued a clip,
    > and then tried to play it in live mode; it gave the error "could not
    > open audio device /dev/dsp". Is dmix not enabled?

    Not OK; same behaviour. In addition, the installer prompts for these
    device values, but then just writes /dev/dsp everywhere regardless. And
    the choices it offers are /dev/dsp0, /dev/dsp1, ..., which is wrong:
    the first OSS device is /dev/dsp.

    One more thing: the installer just opens QtParted, and does not offer
    any help with partitioning. Wasn't there a partitioning menu before,
    where one could just select "default" or "simple", or something like that?

  • One last thing (for today): on second thought, it may _not_ be such a
    great idea to put all those jingles in the scratchpad initially. This
    makes the login very slow, about 15 - 20 seconds. Maybe we could put a
    few jingles in, but not all?

  • Yes, great idea. Please set some default values.

    Sebastian G
  • Ferenc Gerlits wrote:
    > The live CD (demo) mode doesn't work. I have found 3 major problems:
    > * The apache, postgresql and livesupport services are not started.

    how would you expect to run a database server on a read-only filesystem?

    > * I could not start xmms from the browser (by clicking on an audio clip
    > and selecting "Listen"). First time I tried, the browser crashed; on
    > later attempts, it opened xmms at its "open file" filesystem browser
    > window instead of playing the audio clip.

    strange enough...

    > * Studio does not like both outputs set to /dev/dsp. I cued a clip,
    > and then tried to play it in live mode; it gave the error "could not
    > open audio device /dev/dsp". Is dmix not enabled?


    > Some minor quibbles, which were the same on 1.0, but are probably easy
    > to fix:
    > * there should be a browser bookmark (on the toolbar) to
    > http://localhost/livesupport;

    there is one, in Firefox...

    > * get rid of the apache warning we get at the first run about
    > unencrypted data transfer;

    you mean Firefox warning?

    > * get rid of "station preferences not set up properly" warning in html UI;

    but, they are not set up properly Smile

    > * make the browser start up maximized, or at least much larger than it
    > is now: some tabs are totally misplaced in a too small window.

    hm, I didn't see this feature...

    > One weirdness: the jingles are on the Studio scratchpad at startup
    > (yay!), but not on the Station scratchpad. I don't understand how this
    > is possible.

    see http://code.campware.org/projects/livesupport/ticket/1516
    (as the user preferences formats are not documented, usage has drifted
    apart in the GUI and the HTML UI...)

  • Sebastian G
  • Ferenc Gerlits wrote:
    > Not OK; same behaviour.

    how about filing a bug? Smile

    > Not OK; same behaviour. In addition, the installer prompts for these
    > device values, but then just writes /dev/dsp everywhere regardless. And
    > the choices it offers are /dev/dsp0, /dev/dsp1, ..., which is wrong:
    > the first OSS device is /dev/dsp.

    hm, it doesn't have /dev/dsp0 (as a symlink to /dev/dsp?)

    but that's bad, that it doesn't actually change these values - this
    means Michael Aschauer didn't make it work properly Sad

    > One more thing: the installer just opens QtParted, and does not offer
    > any help with partitioning. Wasn't there a partitioning menu before,
    > where one could just select "default" or "simple", or something like that?

    I didn't see any such help..

  • On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 13:01:12 +0100
  • Tomas Hlava wrote:
    > Excuse me, but this is thing not fully clear to me
    > - is this true? :
    > liveCD is read-only, but the system started from liveCD have read-write
    > unionfs filesystem with read-write layer (stored in RAM) above the read-only
    > CDROM filesystem layer.

    then I'm waiting for the first such bug report:

    I booted the live CD, uploaded a 200MB mp3 file, but the whole thing
    I'm running a system with 128MB of RAM...
  • On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, [ISO-8859-2]
  • On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 16:53:55 +0100
  • Stefan de Konink wrote:
    > The I probably submit the following fix:
    > -Enable dynamic quota's.

    I don't see how this would solve the problem, as the effect would be the
    same: suddenly it seems we just ran out of space...

    but I'm not that familiar with unionfs - how much free space does it
    report? what does it do if we run out of RAM?

    and how does LiveSupport handle out-of-disk-space situations?

  • Tomas Hlava wrote:
    > Yes - but it's not an answer ... Wink

    the point is: there's totally no usable scenario for running the storage
    system in what is basically a RAM disk...
  • On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 17:14:50 +0100
  • Tomas Hlava wrote:
    > On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 17:14:50 +0100
  • Ferenc Gerlits wrote:
    > I don't understand this whole thread at all. Are we discussing whether
    > something that was done on the 1.0 live CD can possibly be done?

    I haven't seen the 1.0 LiveCD run postgres & the like when booting from
    the CD.

    and I seriously doubt the usefullnes if such a setup..

    would _you_ use it? Smile

  • Hey Guys

    I downloaded LiveSupport 1.0.2 debian packages on source forge and
    installed them. The installation went fine but gave this message at the end:
    Error XmlRpcClient::readHeader: No Content-length specified
    error executing command start
    authentication problem: Login failed.

    I then tried to open the studio but got the following error
    "Authentication server not available"

    how do I deal with this. I am online if there is anyone who can help.
    MSN: sebata_afrika@hotmail.com Skype: sebata_afrika

    Tshepo "Sebata" Thlaku
    Project Coordinator (eRider)
    Tel: +27 (0)12 809 0531
    Fax: +27 (0)12 349 9327
    Cell: +27 (0)72 239 9901
    Skype: sebata_afrika
    MSN: sebata_afrika@hotmail.com
    Yahoo: nice_t2001@yahoo.com

    No one can beat you but yourself
  • After struggling with Doug, Sebastian and Ferenc one issue after another
    got to be resolved with installation of Debian packages but now I think
    things are fine but only the Authentication issue. When I run
    livesupport studio I get a message that says authentication server not
    available. Any ideas?

    Have to get this right before going to test with Community Stations in
    Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.

    Kind Regards,

    Tshepo "Sebata" Thlaku
    Project Coordinator (eRider)
    Tel: +27 (0)12 809 0531
    Fax: +27 (0)12 349 9327
    Cell: +27 (0)72 239 9901
    Skype: sebata_afrika
    MSN: sebata_afrika@hotmail.com
    Yahoo: nice_t2001@yahoo.com

    No one can beat you but yourself

    MoAfrika wrote:

    > Hey Guys
    > I downloaded LiveSupport 1.0.2 debian packages on source forge and
    > installed them. The installation went fine but gave this message at
    > the end:
    > Error XmlRpcClient::readHeader: No Content-length specified
    > error executing command start
    > authentication problem: Login failed.
    > I then tried to open the studio but got the following error
    > "Authentication server not available"
    > how do I deal with this. I am online if there is anyone who can help.
    > MSN: sebata_afrika@hotmail.com Skype: sebata_afrika
    > Tshepo "Sebata" Thlaku
    > Project Coordinator (eRider)
    > Ungana-Afrika
    > Tel: +27 (0)12 809 0531
    > Fax: +27 (0)12 349 9327
    > Cell: +27 (0)72 239 9901
    > Skype: sebata_afrika
    > MSN: sebata_afrika@hotmail.com
    > Yahoo: nice_t2001@yahoo.com
    > No one can beat you but yourself
  • Ferenc Gerlits wrote:
    > Now which one is better? ... There must be some misunderstatnding at
    > the bottom of this discussion, because it seems really surreal to me.

    to me as well Smile

    IMHO there's no use inviting people down a path that is actually a very
    short dead-end.

    but hey, why not?
  • MoAfrika wrote:
    > Hey Guys
    > I downloaded LiveSupport 1.0.2 debian packages on source forge and
    > installed them. The installation went fine but gave this message at the
    > end:
    > Error XmlRpcClient::readHeader: No Content-length specified
    > error executing command start
    > authentication problem: Login failed.

    looks like some issue with PHP XML-RPC support... maybe mismatching
    libraries? Tomas?

  • On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 13:22:46 +0100
  • Tomas Hlava wrote:

    On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 13:22:46 +0100
  • I found reason for following message:

    Error XmlRpcClient::readHeader: No Content-length specified
    error executing command start
    authentication problem: Login failed.

    PHP is installed, but is not configured to be load. After installation of
    apache and libapache-mod-php4 it is necessary to manually add following line
    to /etc/apache/modules.conf:
    LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp4.so

    Than restart apache and you should be able to start scheduler.

  • Sebastian G
  • Please try tu install the live CD for the test. It is also an installation CD. And to test livesupport after !
    In the previous version I was not able to use the knoppix installed cd on my disk !
    I had to install a sarge and then to install the debian package !