[livesupport-dev] Me again - got some where!
  • K installed the first debian which booted, so using sarge 3.1 latest with 2.6.8 kernel.

    Installed the 1.0.2-2.debs files and it all seems to work, yay

    k, next problem - it does not seem to have alsa install on my box, so does that mean that when i compile alsa in the deb packages will work?
    I need to add a driver for my sound card which is in alsa but does not seem to be included in packages.

    Also how do i move the livesupport-studio stuff to another box? We have a dedicated webserver with world access. So can i just rip the web stuff out of the deb installation and correct the config and it will work?

    Sorry for the bother but i seem to be having never ending problems with this, and i have got 4 days left to do it in.
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • j.p.drawneek@durham.ac.uk wrote:
    > k, next problem - it does not seem to have alsa install on my box, so does that mean that when i compile alsa in the deb packages will work?
    > I need to add a driver for my sound card which is in alsa but does not seem to be included in packages.

    You can do without Alsa. Just edit the scheduler.xml and
    gLiveSupport.xml config files (in /opt/livesupport/etc), and replace the
    Alsa audio device names ("hw:0,0" or something like that) with OSS
    device names: /dev/dsp, /dev/dsp1, /dev/dsp2 etc.

    > Also how do i move the livesupport-studio stuff to another box? We have a dedicated webserver with world access. So can i just rip the web stuff out of the deb installation and correct the config and it will work?

    The easiest way is to install the livesupport-libs and
    livesupport-station packages on the other box. (And then edit the
    config settings.) There are PEAR packages in the -libs package which
    are needed for the "web stuff".

  • > The easiest way is to install the livesupport-libs and
    > livesupport-station packages on the other box. (And then edit the
    > config settings.) There are PEAR packages in the -libs package which
    > are needed for the "web stuff".

    > Ferenc

    k, can't use the deb as web box is not debian and will not be.

    can it rip appart the debs to get at the web stuff - also does any of it need compiling - or is it all scripting stuff?

    The web box is not i386 so if it needs compiling that more fun for me!
  • j.p.drawneek@durham.ac.uk wrote:
    > can it rip appart the debs to get at the web stuff - also does any of it need compiling - or is it all scripting stuff?

    It's all php, no need to compile. You need the PEAR components, and you
    need to modify some postgresql and apache config files. Look in the
    package file lists (-libs and -station), and in the
    (etc/debian/)livesupport-station.postinst script. Nobody has tried this
    before, so please tell us afterwards how it went. Smile
