[livesupport-dev] countdown for 1.0.2
  • looking at the open bugs for livesupport-1.0.x, I see that there are
    only two tickets left open which are related to our source code:


    I wonder about the status for these issues..

    all the other issues are basically packaging-related. Stefan de Konink
    is working wildly on gentoo ebuilds, while I can't start to work on
    debian packages at the moment for lack of access to a debian system that
    is 'clean'.

    but overall, we're looking good for a 1.0.2 release at the weekend.

    as for Ferenc, and also Tomas & Sebastian after the above issues are
    fixed: please go on to work on issues marked for 1.1...

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • #1485 is solved. Just need to let the translators do their part. So I am in good hope this will be done until weekend.