[livesupport-dev] Successfull contribution from LS to PEAR
  • Hi all,
    I know it's little thing, but it's my first contribution to PEAR Smile

    Version 1.4.4 of PEAR XML-RPC package contains patch created during
    LiveSupport development.

    Thanks to Ferenc - the reporter of related issue.

    Tomas Hlava
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • At 14:55 24.10.2005, you wrote:

    >Hi all,
    >I know it's little thing, but it's my first contribution to PEAR Smile

    and LS first contribution. and Campware's first contribution. and not a
    little thing at all - since you will now have to deal with all bug reports
    Wink just kidding.

    great work!

    Micz Flor - micz@mi.cz

    content and media development http://mi.cz
    http://www.campware.org -- http://www.redall.de -- http://suemi.de
  • Tomas Hlava wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > I know it's little thing, but it's my first contribution to PEAR Smile
    > Version 1.4.4 of PEAR XML-RPC package contains patch created during
    > LiveSupport development.
    > Thanks to Ferenc - the reporter of related issue.

    great news!

    I'm really enjoying to see the collaborative nature of open source
    development thriving at LS - patches and new elements to gstreamer,
    bugfixes to other libraries, contributions to PEAR!

