[livesupport-dev] SMIL player: ambulant
  • http://www.cwi.nl/projects/Ambulant/distPlayer.html

    (does this do anything to the SMIL gstreamer delay problem?)

    The AMBULANT Open SMIL Player is an open-source, full SMIL 2.0 media
    player. The current AMBULANT release also provides initial support for SMIL
    2.1CR, which is a W3C Conditional Recommendation that provides more
    structured support for mobile profiles. AMBULANT is the first public
    implementation of a SMIL 2.1CR player.

    AMBULANT is intended for researchers and developers who want an source-code
    player upon which they can build higher-level systems solutions for
    authoring and content integration, or within which they can add new or
    extended support for networking and media transport components.

    The AMBULANT player may also be used as a complete, multi-platform media
    player for applications that do not need support for closed, proprietary
    media formats. If you want to use AMBULANT as a media player, please keep
    in mind that licensing issues prevent us from providing support for
    RealMedia or WindowsMedia proprietary formats in this release of AMBULANT.

    Micz Flor - micz@mi.cz

    content and media development http://mi.cz
    http://www.campware.org -- http://www.redall.de -- http://suemi.de

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