Re: [livesupport-dev] the state of gstreamer in LiveSupport
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Before I forget, the current code uses a microseconds implementation of
    Taglib. But I cannot find anything of that structure in the 'official'
    taglib, or the shipped version.

    Same kind of issue with cppunit, the function standalone, used with
    testing the software is not in the shipped version or the official
    version. (XMLOutputter.cpp)


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  • Stefan de Konink wrote:
    > Before I forget, the current code uses a microseconds implementation of
    > Taglib. But I cannot find anything of that structure in the 'official'
    > taglib, or the shipped version.

    yes, we had to patch taglib to support microsecond precision. therefore
    we're using our own version of it. Ferenc did the patching, and
    hopefully he submitted it to the taglib people, so they might include it
    in a future version of taglib.

    > Same kind of issue with cppunit, the function standalone, used with
    > testing the software is not in the shipped version or the official
    > version. (XMLOutputter.cpp)

    that's strange, as it's in the version (1.10.2) we use, we didn't add
    this functionality...


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