Re: [campsite-support] compiling problem
  • 1) Upgrade to latest stable FreeBSD (5.4)
    2) Use campsite 2.3.0
    3) Use lang/php4, not mod_php
    4) disable notices in php.ini

    That is about all.

    4.11 uses probably too old compiler and I never tested campsite on 4.x
    It is too old to support my hardware.


    On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 08:39 +0200, wrote:
    > Author: wom
    > Link:,2801,2801#msg-2801
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > g++ -c -o tpl_cgi.o -Wall -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/include tpl_cgi.cpp
    > tpl_cgi.cpp: In function `int main()':
    > tpl_cgi.cpp:80: syntax error before `::'
    > gmake[3]: *** Error 1
    > gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/home/wom/campsite/implementation/management/cgi'
    > System FreeBSD 4.11
    > g++ 2.95.4
    > How fix ?