[livesupport-dev] preemptive 0.9 announcement
  • there is a 0.9 version of livesupport coming up shortly. it will contain:

    - the scheduler handling the audio output of playlists, i.e. playing stuff
    from the livesupport system.

    - the file management system, i.e. the media library for storing audio and

    - the remote access components, i.e. the part of livesupport that allows
    access and administration of both components -> building playlists and
    scheduling them on the livesupport system.

    so the 0.9 release allows you to:

    - manage your files and playlists on the scheduler machine.
    - schedule your radio programmes.
    - listen to your radio either on FM (if you dare Wink or on the speakers.

    we will also provide a demo server where you can do all this on the
    campware server - of course without listening to the broadcast.

    we hope to get people interested in installing and testing. the bug tracker
    (also wish list for us) is open to comments and suggestions as well as bugs.

    please demo, please install, please test and please fire your wishlist our

    Micz Flor - micz@mi.cz

    content and media development http://mi.cz
    http://www.campware.org -- http://crash.mi.cz -- http://suemi.de
    "Good job. Hopefully he will go elsewhere..." (Sava Tatic)

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