the outer corners of the application as designed now are rounded. in order to do
this we need to have antialiasing that adjusts to changes in color behind the
palettes. I suppose that Either the GUI supports this, a kind of "drop shadow"
effect like on Mac OSX, or it doesn't. If it doesn't, we'll need to go with square
corners. If it does, great.
Do you know the answer to this?
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charles truett wrote:
> Akos,
> back to the question about transparency -
> the outer corners of the application as designed now are rounded. in order to do
> this we need to have antialiasing that adjusts to changes in color behind the
> palettes. I suppose that Either the GUI supports this, a kind of "drop shadow"
> effect like on Mac OSX, or it doesn't. If it doesn't, we'll need to go with square
> corners. If it does, great.
> Do you know the answer to this?
I'm not sure, but we'll know in at most two weeks, when we get there
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i met with akos in rotterdam. nice to be away from the prague dungeons and
meet for a change
seems that all is on track even though it is a bit delayed. for the gui
specs, let's use the coming week to get all questions answered. there are
many, i might have most... but the coming week should be dedicated to that,
so that we can make the next big leap in the livesupport evolution.
akos said that there are already features in place, but no gui to click
them. so, let's make that gui allowing people like me to operate some
livesupport functionality without using prompt and pipes...
more on monday,
At 11:07 13.11.2004, Akos Maroy wrote:
>charles truett wrote:
>>back to the question about transparency -
>>the outer corners of the application as designed now are rounded. in
>>order to do this we need to have antialiasing that adjusts to changes in
>>color behind the palettes. I suppose that Either the GUI supports this, a
>>kind of "drop shadow" effect like on Mac OSX, or it doesn't. If it
>>doesn't, we'll need to go with square corners. If it does, great.
>>Do you know the answer to this?
>I'm not sure, but we'll know in at most two weeks, when we get there
content and media development
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"Das kommt in beiden Faellen Blau. Von Lila keine Spur."
(Heike Bruysten)
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