Connecting with the outside world
Connecting wi=
th the outside world=
/u> &nb=
sp; 1
Browsing the=
sources on the website (webcvs)
New Roman"> 1
Mantis ̵=
1; using priorities for version numbers
=3D"Times New Roman"> 1
Design examp=
les =
Project mana=
gement tools online<=
i> 1
Manual for C=
ampsite &n=
bsp; 1
More than on=
e manual &=
nbsp; 1
Web Designer=
/ Developer Manual<=
i> 2
Journalist /=
Editor Manual &n=
bsp; 2
Software Dev=
eloper &nb=
sp; 2
Deadline for=
writing: a month before Version 3.0
imes New Roman"> 2
Example Temp=
lates for Campsite
> 2
Database eac=
h publication has:
> 2
Templates ne=
eded: &nbs=
p; 2
on: =
u> &nbs=
p; 3
Deadline: 30=
.September 2004 &=
nbsp; 3
Browsing the sources on the website (we=
Mantis – using priorities for ver=
sion numbers
Design examples – good design
Project management tools online
Manual for Campsite
More than one manual
- Adm=
inistrator (installation, multiple instance, trouble shooting)
- De=
veloper manual for Templating language
- Jo=
urnalist / Editor Manual for journalists (login, change password, common fo=
r all campsites, what is a section page, what is a home page)
- So=
ftware Modules
Server Administrator Manual
- Te=
chnical manual
- De=
tails on Linux installation (not common in some areas where Campsite is at =
- St=
ep by step guide (headlines like how to install one instance of campsite, h=
ow to install multiple, how to configure server, basic Linux manual and lin=
Web Designer / Developer Manual
- Sto=
ry like manual (meaning: a case study. Newspaper called "…" and they =
want to establish their application online)
- St=
ory is based on the example templates
- In=
troduction with links for campware example templates / demo login
- Se=
ctions: setting up application -> "sam is the local…"
- Sc=
- Te=
mplate language is explained using the example templates
- Se=
ction 2: adding sections
- Sp=
ecial section on Search
- Ap=
pendix: complete command / scripting modes / examples for each command
- Fo=
rmat of command reference needs to change and follow some standard such as =
Linux MAN or / PhpDocumentor
Journalist / Editor Manual
- Cha=
pters by user roles / departments: newspaper journalist, radio journalist, =
image / media editor, editor in chief, marketing, business department (CRM)=
- In=
the beginning, each chapter is like a story
- Ap=
pendix: explain all available modules
Software Developer
- PHP=
- Ex=
isting modules, like Phorum, Polls, Voting, Calendar, phpAdsNew
- Ho=
wto put phpAdsNew into the templates
Deadline for writing: a month before Ve=
rsion 3.0
Example Templates for Campsite
Database each publication has:
- two=
issues (for showing *archive*)
- fi=
ve sections
- ea=
ch section has three articles
- tw=
o article types
- se=
nsible names: issues, sections, article name | gibberish: any text inside t=
he article
Templates needed:
- sea=
rch results
- Sep=
arate publication with sections, articles, etc. for each template example (=
-> different image sizes)
- Te=
mplates in different subfolders with the names "pub1"…
- Pu=
blication languages: Serbian, German, English, Czech, Arabic
- Whe=
re will it be hosted?
Deadline: 30.September 2004
--=_alternative 00351E09C1256EF5_=--
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