[livesupport-dev] graphical style guide
  • As we begin working on the comprehensive style guide for both the application
    and web portion of this project, I have a few questions for the developers.

    1 - when do you suppose you will need the graphics produced ?

    2 - what format do you expect them to be in?

    the style guide document we are creating will be a guide for us as well as future
    contributors to the application, but as the this document will be created as we
    go, I'd like to establish how we are going to get graphics produced and sent to
    the programmers in a way that makes sense for them and in a timely manner.

    I'm not sure that the development is at a stage right now where graphics are a
    pressing issue, but time will catch up with us and I'm sure it would be better to
    have this all figured out ahead of time.

    We're also not positive that the most recent layouts of the palettes we've created
    are complete enough to everyone's satisfaction. maybe we need another round
    of revisions and comments on those? Perhaps we need to create an
    information architecture deck to lock down all the functionality issues. We can
    work on that at Parsons.



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  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • charles truett wrote:
    > As we begin working on the comprehensive style guide for both the application
    > and web portion of this project, I have a few questions for the developers.
    > 1 - when do you suppose you will need the graphics produced ?

    for the GUI application, end of September would be nice

    > 2 - what format do you expect them to be in?

    for the GUI application, what I'd like the best is a detailed
    description of the visual components. for example, we have our own
    window styling, with our own borders, captions, etc. - then a detailed
    description, with visual layouts, exact positioning rules would be very
    nice, with all the different pitmaps / vectors that actually make up the

    such a description, and the specific bitmaps themselves, would be great
    help for implementing the designs.


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