Today I spent some time discussi=
ng playlists with
color=3Dblue face=3D"Times New Roman">Lucas Gonze
ze=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman">, which got me thinking about the spectrum =
with simple playlists on one end and full-blown cinematography on the other=
. Both essentially describe sequences of media selected and arranged in a p=
urposeful manner.
What Lucas made me realize is th=
at a playlist needn't be a static record: it can be a query, a suggestion o=
r template that can be realized by a number of possible content sequences. =
For example, a playlist entry that specifies only ["I Love You" by Col=
e Porter] could be satisfied by either Ella Fitzgerald's or Frank Sinatra's=
version of the tune (or countless others).
This realization brought to mind=
something from a
>paper I read recent=
The rules used to generate estab=
lishing shots are based on cinematographic principles to maintain continuit=
y… [For example, we have a rule that] defines an establishing shot as=
a combination of two sequences of which both shots are in color, the focus=
of the first has a wider angle then the next shot, and the weather conditi=
ons are similar. Note that the rule can also be described as a query that r=
eturns all shot combinations that match a certain description: we found tha=
t in this (and probably many more) applications the difference between a ru=
le and query is rather artificial.
This makes the thread of continu=
ity along the spectrum a little clearer. Initially we have static playlists=
, which arrange specific pieces of content in a sequence. Then
es New Roman">"smart" playlists
es New Roman">, which define a space of possible sequences as a query over =
a media database. More sophisticated queries return not just individual pie=
ces of content that match the query but combinations or subsequences that m=
atch certain criteria. These more sophisticated queries can be viewed as ru=
les which formalize the techniques involved in creating time-based media. I=
n film or video these are the rules of cinematography such as those that go=
vern <=
font size=3D3 color=3Dblue face=3D"Times New Roman">continuity editing
u>. In the realm of musi=
c these are
xing.html>the rules=
followed by DJs for selecting and mixing sets
face=3D"Times New Roman">.
Looked at this way, the recent m=
ainstreaming of the playlist phenomenon may be the first step on the road t=
o a future of widespread media meta-production.
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