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I came across this PHP script today for automatically parsing certain
aspects of multimedia files. You may have heard of it, or already be using
it, but I'm sending the link anyway just in case. - doug
getID3() is a PHP4 script that extracts useful information from MP3s & other
multimedia file formats:
Media Development Loan Fund
Douglas Arellanes
Head of Research and Development
Center for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)
Na vinicnich horach 24a/1834, 160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic
Tel: + 420 2 3333 5356, Fax: +420 2 2431 5419
Mobile: +420 724 073 364
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I came across this PHP script today for automatically parsing certain aspects of multimedia files. You may have heard of it, or already be using it, but I'm sending the link anyway just in case. - doug
getID3() is a PHP4 script that extracts useful information from MP3s & other multimedia file formats:
On Monday 28 June 2004 02:26, wrote:
> Hi,
> I came across this PHP script today for automatically parsing certain
> aspects of multimedia files. You may have heard of it, or already be using
> it, but I'm sending the link anyway just in case. - doug
> getID3() is a PHP4 script that extracts useful information from MP3s &
> other multimedia file formats:
Yes - it's cool module,
I've found it in StreamOnTheFly package and I've used it in our file storage. wrote:
> I came across this PHP script today for automatically parsing certain
> aspects of multimedia files. You may have heard of it, or already be using
> it, but I'm sending the link anyway just in case. - doug
> getID3() is a PHP4 script that extracts useful information from MP3s & other
> multimedia file formats:
good to have such a comprehensive overview of audio tagging formats..
BTW, I'm alive and kicking in Thailand, already connected and all wired
up (or all wireless - what would be the word for being wired wirelessly? in case anyone's interested, my travel blog is: - it's mostly in Hungarian, but the pictures
speak an independent language...
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