Re: [campsite-support] Is there...?
  • --- Paul Baranowski wrote:
    > Tomaz Bartol wrote:
    > > 2. is there a way to do pagination in display of article lists (you
    > > know, displaying let's say 10 articles per page and then presenting
    > > links to next pages like ... ?
    > Yes, these are called "Subtitles" or "Subheads" (Subheadings). You can
    > create these in your article via the WYSIWYG editor - there is a button
    > for "Subhead". In the template language you can lay these out as you
    > like. I can send you an example if you like.
    Hi, I think Tomaz asked about something else: list of articles. Yes, you can
    paginate a list of articles and have as many as you want per page, move to the
    previous/next x articles.

    > > 12. is there a frontend search engine for site content in CAMPSITE? Can
    > > it also serch in documents like PDF and DOC?
    > This one of the features for 2.4, the next version of campsite, which
    > will come out in a couple months.
    There is an internal front end search engine wich indexes published articles
    every 6 hours. This search engine is integrated with the template engine so you
    can display the search results from Campsite templates. The drawback is that
    our internal search engine is simple, not so performant as the new ones. Paul
    was talking about a new, external search engine that we are going to integrate
    with Campsite 2.4.


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