Re: [campsite-dev] RSS & printbox
  • Hi Paul

    Good suggestion. I fixed this so that select all / select none works by
    a javascript img.src call now.

    It's not working in the elinks browser but works find in Moz.


    Paul Baranowski wrote:

    >John Pye wrote:
    >>Hi Paul
    >>Thanks for the feedback. About the select all/select none thing, I think
    >>that to make that a one-click thing would be counter-intuitve. Compare
    >>with functionality in hotmail/yahoo when deleting emails, etc etc. Maybe
    >>the wording could be improved though.
    >I think you might have misunderstood me...I was just saying to not
    >reload the page when you "select all". Right now if you click "select
    >all" it seems to make a request to the server, but this can just be done
    >with javascript.
    >>You're welcome to the templates. I'll zip em up and send em in.
    >Ok, please do!
    >- Paul

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