[campsite-dev] Preview 2 of Campsite 2.2.0 is available for download
  • Dear All,

    I am pleased to inform you that we are finishing up the development of the
    much-awaited major release of Campsite. The target release for Campsite
    2.2.0 "Mara" is 7 April 2005.

    You can help us make this second deadline by trying out Campsite 2.2.0rc2
    version tthat can be downloaded from the Campware,org site and letting us
    know about your experiences. The download link is:


    The Campsite 2.2.0 release candidate 2 brings the following enhancements:

    - JavaScript-based HTMLArea has replaced the Campfire Java editor, ending
    the reliance on the Java VM plugin and bringing all sorts of enhancements
    - a streamlined and beautified user interface
    - improved management of multiple instances of CAMPSITE on a single server
    (new instances can be created without reinstalling Campsite)
    - Automatic publishing/removal of selected articles without human
    intervention at a specified date and time
    - Article ordering
    - New handling of Images (and other multimedia)
    - Publication site aliases: aliases allow Campsite to identify a
    publication based on multiple domain names
    - Shorter, Search Engine-Friendly URLs

    Todo for the official release:
    - Update documentation
    - Update all localizations
    - Fix bugs (see bugs.campware.org)

    Looking forward to your feedback and bug reports/suggestions,


    Posted to Phorum via PhorumMail