Re: [campsite-support] Re: Log issue
  • Gilnei,

    Can't help you much with log problems (leaving this to more knowledgeable
    people here), but I can tell you that the required version for Campsite 3.3
    is 5.2 or higher.

    All the best,


    From: ""


    Date: 08/01/2009 01:27 AM

    Subject: [campsite-support] [Campsite Support] Re: Log issue

    Author: gilnei

    After I corrected the proper permission to 755 and cleaned over 10,000
    messages in my mailbox, now my log and email box is flooded again with the

    PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST
    in /var/www/html/camp/include/campsite_constants.php
    on line 20
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: default
    in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: default
    in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: session.timer.current
    in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: session.timer.finish
    in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: session.counter
    in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: session.counter
    in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: system_preferences
    in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199

    Have someone tha same issue? How you solved this?
    BTW, I'm using PHP 5

    Sent from Campware Forums
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  • Thank you Sava.

    I'm using php 5.2.9-2.fc10 (Fedora 10).
    In anyway the message at the log reflects issues with the code itself, specifically with CampSession.php