Re: [campsite-support] functional templates
  • Hi Gabi,There are sample templates available for download at SourceForge, but they're much harder to find because of the way SourceForge has changed its download process. The files are here, and they're under the 3.2.3 release: this helps,douglas=============================================Media Development Loan Fund=============================================Douglas ArellanesHead of Research and DevelopmentCenter for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)Salvatorska 10, 110 00 Praha 1Czech RepublicTel: + 420 224 312 832, Fax: +420 224 315 419Mobile: +420 724 073 364Skype and Yahoo IM: dougiegyrohttp://www.campware.org"" <> wrote: -----To: campsite-support@campware.orgFrom: "" <>Date: 07/30/2009 11:44AMSubject: [campsite-support] [Campsite Support] functional templatesAuthor: gabitzuLink:,7380,7380#msg-7380--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi:)I am in a deep trouble:)Until now based on the available info i couldn;t  solve several issues.So, can i find somewhere several working templates?To show the article from the front page, to show article and photo at the article level, to show article in each section?Or where can i find examples of how to use the tags?GabiPS:Today I have to have the site running. If I can get some help I can still give a try to campware... otherwise I move to other application, with better support.-- Sent from Campware Forums
  • 9 Comments sorted by
  • i tried them before to ask the question.

    but unfortnatelly they are not fully functional

    those with fast news or fast track i have no ideea how to make them work.

    the only btemplate which works somehow is thatone with "the newspaper" title.

    so, there is somewhere a list with the most common tags and how to use them?
    with examples?.. the manual is great but is useless because it has no examples..

  • Hi Gabitzu,

    Manual is actually very wide and detailed compared with many other
    open source projects that are almost like science to find out what the
    "insiders" meant. Campsite people have been very willing to look at
    the issues as far as I know but of course they may have other things
    to do as well than help us with our troubles.

    I do agree that EXAMPLES would bring enormous value for the manual and
    actually I've been struggling with the same issue with our people and
    news site (that is not ready after 9 months yet!).

    Value of the forum people is very big, meaning as soon as we find an
    answer for some trouble we have asked here, let's report it! When
    searching by yourself an answer for some issue and you finally find
    somebody dealing the same issue, it drives almost nuts anybody to see
    a final solution "no worry, I figured it!".

    As soon as I get the site running, I start looking our templates and
    taking examples from there to the manual. It already helps to see a
    solution with one function etc and then you may know to apply it for

    Also if you think job timetables it would be wiser to pay to Campsite
    folks to help in order to avoid economical losses generated by being
    late in your business. With our team I tried to get extra money and
    actually people are very interested in that kind of option as well,
    but only after Campsite proves to be running as it should in our
    server... But I'll definitely try to organise a way to pay something
    either by work or by money to Campsite folks. I think they deserve
    some support and that helps everyone of us to go further.

    As this above is said now, Gabitzu, could you send us the template
    that you have modified and gives you some trouble?
    Please remove or edit if there is anything personal in the template
    that you do not wish everybody to see but leave all the essential
    structure in it.

    Sanna @ Generare

    On 30.7.2009, at 13.31, "" wrote:

    > Author: gabitzu
    > Link:,7381,7383#msg-7383
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > i tried them before to ask the question.
    > but unfortnatelly they are not fully functional
    > those with fast news or fast track i have no ideea how to make them
    > work.
    > the only btemplate which works somehow is thatone with "the
    > newspaper" title.
    > so, there is somewhere a list with the most common tags and how to
    > use them?
    > with examples?.. the manual is great but is useless because it has
    > no examples..
    > --
    > Sent from Campware Forums
  • Hi Sanna @ Generare!

    Look how I see the things:

    - i download the software, installed had some issues, made the install.

    Now I need to show something... ok.. I enetered some articles, some photos..

    I have some problems how to show it..
    Search again for templates and for info in manual.

    manual is not giving enough info.

    there are some live installation of campware, but there is no contribution.. like we;ve made that and that and let;s share it..

    eg: if i buy x hours of work this means I can solve the template issue, than if i will face other issues what can I do?

    go back to support and buy other hours of support?

    maybe yes..

    than I ask myself why should i use it?
    i understand nothing is free, but than I ask myself why should contribute as user to comunity if i can not get the help / support of community.

    My installation was:

    upload the files, create the db, put sample data, the standard templates showed some articles.

    detele the content, create from zero: like my new publication, number 1200, create new categories, in each category at least one article. one articles has 1-2 photos and is listed on the main page.

    than download all the templates from sourcforge , upload and see what the show..
    they show categories, sometimes articles listed. you can not see the article you can not see the photos.

    the ideea is: if the official templates are not working.. what's the catch?

    or ask yourself: i want to show in the main page the main article with photo.
    than 5 categories in a certain order, article title and photo.

    how can you do it. i couldn;t find info in manual.

    maybe i need to study it a month and become an expert.
    maybe i need to buy support. than i ask why do i need a manual if i buy support, why we need a forum or i receive invitation to participate at coding the new features for image resize...

    free spftware is take it as is. i am ok with that..

    tonight i need to be online. it seems i have no chance to do it with campware. i am ok with that.

  • Hello Gabi,

    yessss, support is Campsite's BIG problem. I very much agree.

    However, some of that is structural, and probably not intended or not
    a signal of "we don't care".

    Firstly, I believe that the majority of people currently giving
    support are pure developers, geeks if you will. This creates trouble
    per se, because devs, admins, designers and users speak very different
    "languages", even if they all talk in English. Campsite needs ALSO
    admins, designers and users giving support, because they will be able
    to relate better to their equivalents seeking support. Especially
    negative is the habit of devs to answer by saying "code this or that"
    or "add this or that plugin". If I am just an admin or a user, I can't
    do anything with such an answer, because I don't know how to follow
    such an instruction!

    Secondly, language and cultural stance may be another problem. I take
    it quite a few of the devs are either from the former Eastern Block or
    from Germany. Both parties usually lack a certain empathy with other
    cultural spheres. I confess I was totally taken aback by first
    reactions here and I know of another person still extremely angry
    about her treatment here. While reading the forums I found a dozen or
    more people suffering from the same problem. For most native English
    speakers (regardless of origin) and also most latin language speakers
    (French, Spanish, Italian etc.), a set amount of POLITENESS is a must
    in communication. If someone says something in an impolite manner,
    these people will believe the other is being *purposefully*
    aggressive and insulting. They then scrap the software and move on to
    one where people are friendlier and more polite to them.

    Thirdly, yes indeed, if treated with what you consider an arrogant and
    impolite manner, you have no intention whatsoever to bring yourself in
    after being treated like that. Campsite is an astonishing piece of
    coding, but without support for the opensource community (which means
    support also needs to be open and free) and without several different
    levels of support (for devs, for admins, for users respectively) it's
    not going to be very successful on a larger scale.

    Just have a look at the Drupal fork ProsePoint which is currently
    sweeping through the market of online newspapers including some of the
    most renowned commercial newspapers. It's capable of much less than
    Campsite, it's the lesser software, but it has enormous success. The
    main reason being the excellent support people get there, from the
    devs, but also from the user group.

    Most of the above problems can be remedied. E.g. I'd really set up a
    full support forum, not just that Phorum software. It took me several
    days to realize Mugur isn't answering his mails with a blank message
    body, instead the code and attachments get only shown on the maillist.
    Now, I'm on the internet since 1993, meaning that I'm neither a noob
    nor do I lack knowledge where to look. But this setup entirely stumped
    me. I'm too used by now to have a proper forum with everything

    Then, such a forum might support some information on each of those
    giving support here, including some info on basic origin. That way
    someone who else judges the behaviour by his own rules, may make some
    leeway for people coming from a different cultural sphere and be less
    likely to feel insulted. Such an atmosphere also might entice people
    to contribute more.

    Loads of basic questions are misunderstood because of this, and
    indeed, examples are what we need, even if only simple examples.
    Especially in those areas where Campsite works differently, compared
    to other CMS. The manual is mainly written for coders/geeks and less
    for admins, designers and users. That makes Campsite have an
    unnecessarily steep learning curve.

    That said, I'm working on basic setup still, while the abovementioned
    friend already has a production site, using Drupal now. It needs not
    be that way Wink


  • Pippa,

    I work in a multicultural enviroment, so, I learnet a long time ago do not inflame on politness and other stuff.

    We bring our cultures in English so what's polite for me it's not for you and so one.

    Before I ask I check.

    I couldn't find an working solution for my needs:

    on the first page main article and photo

    insided, article and photo, similar articles by topic or by category

    the demo:

    is not showing too much..

    there is a lot of ducumentation but it;s not quite usefull.

    answers at support request..

    there are several very good implementations of campware.. the main issue is the knowledge is not quite public.

    so, in this moment I am will say god bye to campware and I will use a good reliable application called props:

    the best reference, I really love is:

    Props is not founded by anyone, nobody put money in.
    after you install it you have all you need.

    and there is a mailing list:)

    tonight I have a go live:)
  • Hey Gabi,

    Good luck with Props. I hope you manage to go online tonight.

    For the record, I'd like to set the record straight regarding certain
    issues you raise:

    > the demo:
    > is not showing too much..

    The demo, as most online CMS demos, is primarily meant to show off the
    backend. And it's showing all of it.

    > there is a lot of ducumentation but it;s not quite usefull.

    I believe Sanna has answered this already. We're not perfect (examples are
    glaringly missing, but we're not horrible either)

    > there are several very good implementations of campware.. the main
    > issue is the knowledge is not quite public.

    We have no means of making these people releasing their templates as public
    domain. They've put hours of work in them, and it's up to them what they do
    with their templates. One can nonetheless ask them directly or via the
    list. But it's up to them whether they want to cooperate. Of course, once
    we start our "Campsite Cookbook" we expect people to start contributing
    sample template code to howtos.

    > so, in this moment I am will say god bye to campware and I will use
    > a good reliable application called props:
    > the best reference, I really love is:

    It's great that you've find a good match for your needs. I am very pleased
    to see that there are as many alternatives out there. But for the record,
    and the full information on this list, I'd invite people to compare the tag
    reference you quote and the reference we provide:

    > and there is a mailing list:)

    We have a mailing list. I've been using it all along.
  • Hi whereever you are:)

    Thanks for the links, than why i couldn't find a way to show an image?

    Or why nobody answered at a simple question?

  • > Thanks for the links, than why i couldn't find a way to show an image?

    That is a question only you can answer. Smile

    > Or why nobody answered at a simple question?

    Mugur has replied to that question at least twice, on our mailing list
    (thanks for pointing out the problem with the Phorum display of certain
    e-mailed messages).

    Again, all the best in your work with props. It seems like a very good
  • hi:)

    I don't the mailing list, only the phorum.

    In phorum there are empty messages. could be some of the asnwers. i don't know...
