Help with list_articles syntax
  • Have I mentioned that I LOVE campsite?? Smile

    I am try to list articles on a section page which match a certain topic. Here is what I am doing:

    {{ assign var=cat value=`$smarty.get.category` }}
    {{ if $cat }}
    {{ assign var=cat_topic value="topic is $cat:en" }}

    {{ $cat }}

    {{ else }}
    {{ assign var=cat_topic value="" }}
    {{ /if }}

    {{ list_articles length="20" constraints="OnSection is On $cat_topic" order="byPublishDate desc" }}


    {{ /list_articles }}

    I'm sure the above is the "hard way" but regardless, I cannot get only the requested topic to show. It shows everything under that section.

    I tried simply including {{ set_topic name=$cat_topic }} but that did not work either. My guess is part of the problem resides in that many of my topic names have spaces in them, eg. "Beverly Shores".

    Can anyone point me in the right direction or provide me any guidance?