Rewriting campsite URLs
  • Hi,

    I'm using campsite 2.7 with short URLs enabled, but there are some links i'd like to rewrite.

    I'm using only one issue, and only one language, and i will not change section structure so often, so wanted to have URLs like /section instead of /lang/issue/section. I also have some /?tpl=123&tpid=123 that i'd like to rewrite.

    I've tried with simplest


    RewriteRule ^section/?$ /lang/issue/section [NC]
    RewriteRule ^topic/?$ /?tpl=123&tpid=123 [NC]


    but i got an error saying that "section" is not defined language. Then i tried to pass every ENV variable that would make sense, both via E flag and PassEnv directive, but no luck.

    Is there any way to do this?

    Btw, can we expect some SEF URLs in the future? Something like wordpress does, with article title keywords in URL?