I'm testing Booktype master branch, and particularly how books can be imported from another frontpage application. FMfr and FMen currently use Booktype 1.6.1, and the books list can be retrieved with the list-books.json file (see https://fr.flossmanuals.net/list-books.json). We used it in the past with the old Publisher frontend, and we still use it now with our custom fm-site application to import the generated ePub, PDF and HTML files.
Unfortunately, it seems that the feature no longer works with Booktype 2.x (and I find no clue in the code). Is there another way to get the list from an URL, or is it completely removed.
I'm experimenting the new API with curl. Thanks to the API documentation I managed to retrieve an authentification token, but I can't find a way to pass that token to the following request (e.g. _api/v1/books/). I tried to use it in the header and in the GET parameters, but nothing seems to work and I constantly get {"detail":"Authentication credentials were not provided."}.
Could you give a simple example? It's probably very easy, but I'm quite new to that kind of API and a bit lost.
I tested all the options provided in the Django Rest Framework documentation, and unfortunately it still doesn't work with coreapi (and the coreapi CLI). Not being able to access the API from a python script is a blocker for us, so some help would be more than welcome.
Thanks for your help. I didn't change the content of the server's settings, and thus didn't use the booktype api backend to authenticate. But unfortunately, it still doesn't work.
Thanks for the tip, I will add this to the user manual. We use Nginx for managed Booktype hosting so we had not run into this issue with Apache before.