Restore airtime backup using /srv/airtime/store folder
  • Vote Up0Vote Down nawanknawank
    Posts: 7Member
    I was running airtime 2.5.1 (2.5.2 is still not stable I guess. I've opened many discussions about it) on Debian wheezy. I tried to upgrade php version from 5.4 to 5.6 and it broke the whole package system. It removed airtime vhosts and messed everything up. I couldn't go back after this happened. then I tried to reinstall using apt-get

    "apt-get install airtime"

    and it didn't work. I got random broken package errors, repo conflicts blah blah

    And I think I lost backups too because I can't use the backup command, maybe because I tried to re-instal by running "apt-get install airtime" and it broked the system even more. (including postgress database and users etc)

    the backup command (sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall | gzip -c > airtime-backup.gz) giving me an error:
    pg_dumpall: could not connect to database "template1": FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"

    # ls /usr/local/pgsql/data
    ls: cannot access /usr/local/pgsql/data: No such file or directory

    All I have left is /srv/airtime/store folder.

    Please tell me if there is a way I can import my audio files using this folder?