I'm customizing the theme Rockstar for my own use. I would like to always provide the most recent video on frontpage. I saw the theme how to view the video in an article. But how to check an article list of any issue or session if there is a video available, and if more recenmte article, make it available?
Check the code I try to use, but it's not working. I got them from GlobalNews and RockStar.
{{* assign counter and maximum count for collecting multimedia files *}}
{{* assign variable for current article. 1 => has multimedia *}}
{{assign var=hasvideo value=0}}
{{* here we work with article attachments. .oga and .ogv/.ogg files are automatically shown with player in html5 enabled browsers (for video we are including videojs.com's HTML5 player which also plays mp4 and webm formats), all other cases just build the link for download *}}