Losing hair to install the newscoop 4.4.5 from composer.
  • Hello for all, its my first time here at Sourcefabric forum.

    I have a Newscoop 4.2.4 (installed by .deb packages from official repository of sourcefabric) at EMC2.amazon what have some problems with misterious translations problems. Reading at github I get the idea to install the 4.4.5 version on new vm to transfer my newspaper and fix a lot of problems.

    So, now I have more problems:

    I create a new vm with ubuntu server  and tried to install the newscoop 4.4.5 from composer.

    I read the https://github.com/sourcefabric/Newscoop instructions:

    root@newvm:~# php composer.phar create-project sourcefabric/newscoop /var/lib/newscoop dev-master

    and a lot of cups of coffee after  ...

      - Installing symfony/monolog-bundle (dev-master 5151715)
        Cloning 51517152a608926ee6b40ed8cfbba1a708f0a14f

      - Installing zendframework/zendframework1 (dev-release-1.11)
        Checking out /branches/release-1.11/@25046

      Package could not be downloaded,
      A    vendor/zendframework/zendframework1/composer.json                                          
      A    vendor/zendframework/zendframework1/LICENSE.txt  

      A    vendor/zendframework/zendframework1/tests/Zend/Controller/_files/Helpers/NamespacedHelper.php                               
      A    vendor/zendframework/zendframework1/tests/Zend/Controller/_files/Helpers/Url.php       
    svn: E155009: Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with
              work item 1824 (file-install tests/Zend/Controller/AllTests.php 1 0 1 1)                          
    svn: E000002: Can't open file
        No such file or directory                      
    create-project [-s|--stability="..."] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--repository-url="..."] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-plugins] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--keep-vcs] [--no-install] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [package] [directory] [version]

    I have space on my virtual machine hd, but I stuck every time here

    root@newvm:~# df -h
    Sist. Arq.      Tam. Usado Disp. Uso% Montado em
    /dev/sda1       6,8G  2,7G  3,8G  42% /
    none            4,0K     0  4,0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    udev            487M  4,0K  487M   1% /dev
    tmpfs           100M  424K   99M   1% /run
    none            5,0M     0  5,0M   0% /run/lock
    none            498M     0  498M   0% /run/shm
    none            100M     0  100M   0% /run/user

    I'm losing my hair rubbing with my fingers every time. Because I'm not a expert with the composer
    and If I try the svn of zend manually, its works. I have no ideia to go now. Any hint?


  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • It seems the composer command is no longer working (at least i cannot get it to work for myself either). We will look into this, you can follow the status here https://dev.sourcefabric.org/browse/CS-5914.
    In the meantime i would suggest that you install Newscoop via a package. It's not so much more different and to be honest more clear then just letting do composer all the work. :)

    This is the Newscoop 4.4.5 release page https://github.com/sourcefabric/Newscoop/releases/tag/4.4.5 . Please download the newscoop-4.4.5-2015.08.13.tar.gz or newscoop-4.4.5-2015.08.13.zip.
    Once you've downloaded the release, you can follow the steps in our manual http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/newscoop-44-for-journalists-and-editors/manual-installation/ from the chapter Installing Newscoop.
    Once you're done you should be able to visit Newscoop via your browser, you'll probably get a warning about missing dependencies, you can fix that by executing the following commands from your install directory:
    php composer.phar install --no-dev
    (If you want to develop for Newscoop, then please remove the --no-dev argument, then development dependencies will also be installed.)

    Once that is done, you can continue with the installation steps described here http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/newscoop-44-for-journalists-and-editors/installation-steps/ .

  • Hi, I read your message now. Thanks for the help, I tried your suggestion, but I got some strange errors about no file found

     - Installing zendframework/zendframework1 (dev-release-1.11)
        Checking out /branches/release-1.11/@25046

      Package could not be downloaded,                      
      sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory     
      svn: E125001: Couldn't determine absolute path of '.' 
      svn: E000002: No such file or directory               

    Very strange because I can download in same machine by shell the file from github. Every time I got a different message. I have a good internet and the amazon aws get the sames messages.
  • I've downloaded the Newscoop 4.4.5 package myself and i see the vendors are already included.

    So with which version and package are you exactly getting this error? (To me it seems more like an issue with composer / the repo, then we Newscoop, but nonetheless i'd like to try for myself.)
  • Dear people. This morning at hipchat session We discovered the problem. Our Virtual Machines not have memory to composer work. Because is not cheap to buy memory at vm only to install plugins or install newscoop by composer, I create a swap in file.

    For anyone what have the same problem, use this


    I used these sequence of commands with root user:

    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile1 bs=1024 count=1224288
    # chown root:root /swapfile1
    # chmod 0600 /swapfile1
    # mkswap /swapfile1
    # swapon /swapfile1

    This create a fake swap partition to extend the RAM Memory until install what we need to use. After this its easy to remove,

    # swapoff /swapfile1
    # rm /swapfile1