How to use translate files...
  • Hi!

    I'm following development of Superdesk since 2013, I'm very excited about put it on production here on Brazil, because of this I joined the translation project on Transifex, and had trasnlated to Portuguese Brasil (pt_BR) and then, downloaded the .po file.

    How can I use this file on Superdesk Client?

    I hope, since Client in portuguese, I start testing it on tv and radio environment.

    Best Regards
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • hello ricardo,

    you can put that file in client/po folder (if it doesn't exist you can just create it) and in client folder run:

    $ grunt nggettext_compile

    after that when you rebuild the client and open it with `?lang=pt_BR` param it should use the file

    let me know if that works for you
