Cannot logon to new installation of Airtime on Debian Wheezy - General help needed as well.
  • Hi,

    Main question without the story:
    I cannot logon to my fresh installation of Airtime.
    How can I configure user accounts and setup/change their passwords on linux?
    I have airtime installed but that's where it stops since I cannot login.

    With the story:
    I am supporting my little nephew to setup a Linux server where he wants to run airtime to provide his own radio station.

    However I am not a linux specialist at all (this is my first Linux adventure), but Google is my best friend. So I got this far:
    - Setup an airtime 2.5.1 installation on a Debian 7.8 wheezy.
    - After I saw that I could see the logon screen on the linked domain I thought I was done.
    However I try to login with admin admin but it doesn't work. I tried searching for this on the airtime manual page but there it is said that after logon you can setup users and passwords. But I cannot even logon... I had to setup some passwords during the setup, but those don't work either.

    Can I setup directly on linux by editing some files or ga straight in the database?

    Any help is appreciated.

    General help needed
    We might run into some more trouble after being able to login. If there's anyone around there with some spare time and some airtime knowledge we are more than happy to make some donations to any volunteer who we can contact sometimes, or can actually help us in finalizing the setup so my nephew can start broadcasting!


    Best regards,

    Uncle Rob and nephew Roy from the Netherlands.

    Radio station in the making.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • I've run into this issue before; you may have also noticed an invalid captcha field error which I have gotten on a new Airtime server setup. Here is the command to reset the login attempts:

    sudo -u postgres psql airtime
    airtime=# UPDATE cc_subjs SET login_attempts = 0;

    Each line is a seperate command. The first one gets you into the PostgreSQL interactive terminal, where you subsequently pass the second command.

    The default username and password is admin/admin. You can change the password with this command, however you shouldn't need to do this if you follow the above instructions:

    airtime=# UPDATE cc_subjs SET pass = md5('admin') where login = 'admin';

    Post edited by Bob Larson at 2015-03-05 03:11:48
  • Dear Bob,

    That is amazing! This worked just fine.
    I'm in ;)
    So at least we took one big hurdle, and hope it will go more smooth after this.

    Thanks a lot for your speedy answer!

    Rob & Roy
    Radio station in the making.