Newscoop installation fails on my shared host
  • Hello

    I've recently discovered Newscoop and intend to test it to see if it fits my purposes. I'm using a shared host platform for testing, but installation of Newscoop fails on two accounts for me. The first one occures when moving from the requirements testing page. Clicking next from there just brings me to the "this page does not exist" page that my host provides (*/install/license). However, this is easily bypassed by entering the url manually like this: */install/index.php/license

    After that I can traverse through all the steps just fine until the page where I enter a name for the site and set a password and e-mail. Clicking "Finish" from there renders the error message seen in the attached image (I've masked the personal parts of the URL:s).

    The requirements are all fulfilled except that there is no php accelerator installed on the system and the short_open_tag feature is enabled in php.ini, thus giving me two warnings, but it says that I can continue installing anyway.

    Any tips on how to resolve this?
    971 x 343 - 24K
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Daniel JamesDaniel James
    Posts: 844Member, Sourcefabric Team
    Hi Lars,

    Which version of Newscoop are you installing? Are you getting it from git or tarball? Any details of your shared hosting platform would also be helpful.


  • The version of Newscoop is 4.3.2, downloaded from the Newscoop web site. My shared hosting is on (swedish host) and runs on a linux (don't know which distro though) server with apache and php.

    I'll attach a full screenshot of the phpinfo page here. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure if my host allows changing PHP settings with a local php.ini file, but right know I'm just putting this up here in case I managed to hit an unknown bug in the current version. I'll worry about how to fix it when the problem has been identified.

    Oh, and enjoy plowing through all my php-settings :). Thanks
    1888 x 29634 - 3M
  • I've just received exactly the same error when installing in shared hosting.
    However, my hosting provider has made any adjustments to php.ini that I've asked for, but I don't think this is a php error.

    EDIT:  I'm using Newscoop 4.3.2 from here:

    Does anyone have a solution for this?  Seems like a code issue, perhaps?

    Post edited by Trevor Townsend at 2015-02-14 09:57:23