How can I automate a radio using computers on the network
  • Good evening, I would like to aid you.
    Working in a company that has three radio stations, the 3 use a radio automation program called PlayList, this program has some modules, which are as follows, in a machine is to display all the programs on both commercial radio as music, on another machine separately using the network is made to commercial radio pragramação, and on a third machine over the network do the musical pragramação, that is both musical and commercial programming is done by the network. This program also makes Airtime these features to the radio programming ????
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  • I think this translation not good.
    If you speak French ,German or Russian, you might want to use your native language along wioth the English.There seem to be a few users of those languages who may chose to assist or translate

    Please note there is a French Support  Here

    Post edited by Voisses Tech at 2015-01-31 13:29:40
    Anyone reading this a find it funny about my grammar , I make no apology ,Go get a translator.
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