"Showbuilder" page totally blank.
  • I've got Airtime installed on the same server as ZPanel, and all appears to be working fine except for the initial page that is shown after login and under the "Now Playing" tab, Showbuilder. It's totally blank white, no errors or messages or warnings. 

    I've looked at the server error log and I do not see anything there. 

    Any hints or suggestions for me? 

    Great software by the way. Keep up the good work.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • I managed to fix this, but it feels like a hack. 

    in /usr/share/airtime/application/contollers/ShowbuilderController.php, I commented out lines 96 - 108. It at least shows up now. I haven't fiddled too much to verify functionality. I'll keep playing around and see if I can find a "real" fix for it, but would also love some input from the developers on the issue. 
  • Ok, slightly more information. Commenting out lines 99 and 105 individually also fixed this. My line numbers may be slightly off because of other tinkering around in the file. These are the 2 lines I commented out:

    //$form = new Application_Form_RegisterAirtime();

    //$this->view->dialog = $form;

    Any clue from you developers what I disabled?