Campsite 3.0.0, a major upgrade has been officially released. This version
contains major improvements in the template language and much improved
portability and install process. Download
Campsite 3.0.0 runs on any operating system that runs PHP, Apache and MySQL,
including Linux, Windows, Macs and BSD variants. And if it doesn't, we need bug
reports !
The Campsite 3.0.0 package contains default sample templates together with
the corresponding database which you can install by following the steps in
the INSTALL file. (Newbie Windows users: Try opening the INSTALL file with
Notepad or Wordpad).
Unlike the 2.2-2.7 versions, Campsite 3.0 does not support multiple
instances anymore. This means that for each instance you want to run you
have to install Campsite in a new virtual host.
The install process is much simpler and the dependencies are much fewer: we
removed the C++ code so every dependency related to it vanished. No more
We're looking forward to getting user feedback, so please get involved in
the Campsite community. Check the Campsite support
forumor join our mailing
list for more info.
Major Improvements:
- The template engine was rewritten in PHP for better performance,
more flexibility, easier development, plugin architecture, fewer
dependecies and easy install.
- The install procedure is much easier thanks to a web based
- A caching mechanism for database objects was implemented. This
will result in fewer database queries and greater speed and
Small improvements:
- Variables for storing temporary data can be used in the template
- Boolean expressions can be used in "if" statements.
- Many new small features in the template language.
- The web based installer provides a default demo package for
easier learning of the template language.
- Removed the constraint of having at most one limitted list of a
certain type in a template.