I'm looking for ways, if possible, to expose more fields in the JSON export of the weekly schedule. In particular
1) Is there some way to get the description for a show into the JSON export of the weekly schedule?
2) Is there some way to get the DJ info, i.e their jabber, twitter, etc info (which appears to be in their user profiles), exposed anywhere else, like in the JSON export of their show?
In general, anything that is in the database can be exposed via the API by modifying the file ApiController.php, for example in the 2.5.x branch this file is:
You'll notice that by default, live-info and week-info requests do not require authentication. If you are serving DJ's personal information via these requests, you possibly might want to change to authenticated requests as an anti-spam measure.
For security reasons, we don't currently recommend allowing authenticated API requests over public networks unless you are using https. There is an example of how to set that up with Apache in the chapter: