Managing Content in Repeated Programming of Dynamic Smartblocks
  • The ability to repeat content in the calendar is working great for our station. Until we get a lot of people managing their own playlists, I've been using dynamic smartblocks (e.g. everything uploaded since a certain date, anything from the artist "Bo Diddly", everything in a "doowop" genre).

    Two questions (and I am operating from only a conceptual understanding how Airtime works):
    • When is the content in that time slot dynamically generated? e.g., as time goes by, will the scheduled block for the doowop hour always be looking for new content with the right meta data?
    • A problem I can see is I cannot delete old content if it is scheduled for a future smartblock, so eventually I will run out of room. It would eb nice to have some feature where content can "expire"?