RE: [campsite-support] Separate admin page vhost?
  • Hi,

    you can also define 2 virtual hosts, one for frontend, one for backend
    Just duplicate the virtualhost section and change following:

    1. the frontend host:
    - add the following lines to avoid admin access

    Deny from all

    2. the admin host:
    - change the ServerName to
    - change DirectoryIndex directive to "DirectoryIndex admin.php"

    Don't try to change the DocumentRoot of the admin host, it will not work.

    Note: named based virtual hosts does not work with ssl. You need to
    configure IP-based virtual hosts if you want to use ssl.


    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []
    > Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 8:23 AM
    > To:
    > Subject: [campsite-support] [Campsite Support] Separate admin page
    > vhost?
    > Author: linuxpyro
    > Link:,6190,6190#msg-6190
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------
    > --------------
    > Is it possible to set the admin page to run in a separate virtual
    > host under Apache? (So you could access it by, say, going to
    > I want to do this because I'd like to
    > use SSL for this vhost and thus encrypt the username/password
    > data my authors would be sending.
    > --
    > Sent from Campware Forums
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Alright, I got it working using. Thanks for the help!