[campsite-support] Campsite 2.6.9 release
  • Dear Campsite users,

    Today we released the version 2.6.9 of Campsite. This is a bug-fix update
    for 2.6.8. All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade.

    To download the new version, go to:

    Bugs fixed since 2.6.8:
    01) #702 - ImageArchive: Deleting last image on the page should go
    to previous page
    02) #2456 - Two users or more can have the same email address
    03) #2460 - The calendar doesn't work for certain languages
    04) #2461 - "If Language" template statement doesn't work when the
    issue is not defined
    05) #2462 - "If Article number" template statement does not work
    06) #2463 - "If Article has_translation" template statement works
    07) #2464 - Upgrading from 2.2.x returns an error
    08) #2466 - Admin interface crash when the interface language id was
    not selected in article screens
    09) #2470 - Admin interface crashes when creating "New Publication"
    in a blank database
    10) #2471 - Crash on invalid image/thumbnail size when creating the
    11) #2476 - Error on article action: Undefined variable: BackLink
    12) #2477 - Admin interface crashes on uploading a corrupt image
    13) #2481 - Adapt the install script to Ubuntu
    14) #2495 - Invalid notice warnings in the merge preview screen
    15) #2496 - Invalid article preview in the article type merge preview
    16) #2498 - Users synchronization between campsite/phorum tables doesn't

    Campsite team