Newscoop for a news website?
  • Guys,

    what's your opinion about whether Newscoop can be a base for a news website without major code/templates rewriting?

    Newscoop is made specifically for newspaper/magazine websites, so is its structure. Unlike publications/issues, news websites don't have ones. All they virtually have is nonstop articles divided by rubrics and chronologically posted. Look at for example.

    Newscoop doesn't allow that kind of work (at least its templates by default),  as far as I can see. You create a publication first, then you make an issue, then you post articles under rubrics specified. You can't just add general news, say, every thirty minutes, and post them, and make them update your main page (including first screen) according to rubric and create time and so on.

    Or maybe I still haven't read about what Newscoop can do enough?..

    I am just trying to base on Quetzal template (I really liked its design!)

    Post edited by Evgeny Ivanov at 2013-08-20 14:06:10
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  • You can put everything in the same issue and just delete the issue links in the theme. Or you can make a new issue for every month or year to make your news archive more structured.