Incoming stream intermittently stops
  • Using 2.3.1 my incoming stream intermittently stops.

    This happened when using Butt or m3w from a windows machine on the same network. The disconnection will vary from 2 to 8 hours and both Butt and Airtime's "on air" indicator confirm the disconnection.

    Thinking it was my windows machine and in an attempt to diagnose, I installed Butt on the Airtime server. And after 6 hours my stream was again dead, however behavior was slightly different as both the Butt streamer and Airtime "on air" indicators gave the appearance of being connected.

    Restarted Butt and my stream is up again...But it will undoubtedly go down shortly.

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • I reinstalled Airtime and installed the latest liquidsoap 1.1.1 and will retest.
  • For this are you sending a stream to the Master or Show?.

    while airtime appearing to connect

    run as normal user on the airtime machine

    liquidsoap 'output.icecast(%mp3, host="yourhost", port=yourstreamport#, password="icecastpassword", mount="listen", sine())'

    just change yourhost to Ip or localhost keep the quotes""
    somenumber to the streamport and your icecast password.

    and listen on the client VLC etc
    you should get a monotous tone

    eliminating icecast as the problem

    Then go down these troubleshooting [] steps to find out which is the

    I too have the same problem even with liquidsoap 1.1.1, I narrow it down to bad file(mp3) or webstream without proper fallback. and would like to make suggestions or solution for 2.4
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