. I have successfully installed Booktype BUT we having a problem to install objavi. Everything works fine in booktype but I can't publish the books. We tried to install objavi but We were not able to install it in our server. So I try to use http://objavi.booki.cc/ to publish a public book. Can I do that? it cost mony? I so confused because I don’t have Precise instructions. please help!!
best regards, galit
Post edited by galit mordechai at 2013-04-23 06:52:40
I checked the log on objavi.booktype.pro and I see a bunch of request with THIS_BOOKI_SERVER empty. If you are using Apache to serve Booktype, make sure you have restarted it after changing any of the settings in settings.py.
As for pricing -- that is for Booktype. The objavi.booktype.pro is free to use.