Output to Mixer before going to server?
  • I've tried searching and couldn't find anything.  Is there a way to pipe the playlist to an external mixer before sending it to the server?  I like using all of the features of Airtime, including the playlist management, I am looking for a way to sort of pipe the playlist into a program such as JAMin before it goes out to my shoutcast server, or at the very least maybe loop it to an external hardware processor (like the mixing board I use for live input).

    In IDJC I could send the signal to any number of processors before it went out via something like Patchage or QJackctl, but I noticed that Airtime doesn't show up in either of them (I know it's not jack aware, but it doesn't show up under alsa either.)

    Most programs like IDJC and Mixxx only work "output."  So while I can send their signal TO Airtime, Airtime can't send to them.. THAT is pretty much what I need (like Airtime's builtin Icecast).  Would anyone know how to go about that?

    How about the Hardware output? Could it be wired up to a second computer and sent to an IDJC input, then looped through JAMin and then out to the shoutcast server?

    It would be so much simpler if other programs had a built-in server like Airtime.  I know there are other ways around it (like broadcasting FROM IDJC or Mixxx TO Airtime) but I want to use ALL of Airtime's functionality.

    Sorry if it sounds like I am all over the place.
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Liquidsoap does have Jack support although I've never tried it. Not sure if the Liquidsoap which comes in Airtime has it enabled but if it was (by recompiling it for example) you could probably replace the ALSA output with JACK and route it to whatever JACK programs you like.
  • aukondk is correct. We even have a wiki available on how to compile Liquidsoap:

    You would have to edit the PACKAGES file, and uncomment the line for JACK support. A few people have asked about this, we will look into whether its the right time to start adding native support for this.

    Airtime Pro Hosting: http://airtime.pro
  • Thank you both for the Information, am looking into it now.
  • Well, I installed Liquidsoap from source and enabled Jack, however it still doesn't show up in Qjackctl or Patchage, not to mention that it has now broken Airtime (it still runs, but for some reason it no longer connects properly). I think I will have to wait and see if you guys enable support in the future.