Method Newscoop\\Entity\\Proxy\\NewscoopEntityWebcodeProxy::__toString() must not throw an exception in /srv/www/htdocs/magyarszo4/www/library/Newscoop/Entity/Article.php on line 439
How to solve the problem? How can I regenerate missing webcodes? What is the webcode?
The problem is big. I see the web code in table webcode, but in article webcode not. When I copy the webcode from table webcode to table Article, everything works fine again. But today I must do this 3 time, and this is very flustrating.
Fres install with version 4.0.2 updated to 4.0.3, and 4.0.4
The system populates it always, but sometimes... I don't know why, article stored, but log don't, article edited by user with id 0, that is impossible, user with id 0 isn't activated.
How can I get log if something is wrong when store data in database?
Nothing...??? The problem is very flustrating! Why need to store equal data in two tables? Can I make a view from table Articles to solve this problem?
UPDATE [yourdatabasename].Articles AS a SET a.webcode = ( SELECT w.webcode FROM [yourdatabasename].webcode AS w WHERE w.article_number=a.Number AND w.language_id = a.IdLanguage ) WHERE a.webcode = ''
You can run it from mysql event scheduler or from linux cron. This solve the problem within 60 sec and you can work again with newscoop.
BUt this is not a solution. I nedd solution if anybody have it, or anything from information to find what hepend - can't find anything in logs!