I have issues with the "airtime-liquidsoap" service on my server. I have a screen shot of the service taking 25% of my CPU. Every day, I have to restart the service from the command line so that playout resumes.
I run "sudo service airtime-liquidsoap stop" and I have to use Ctrl + C to stop the process. This is the output I see:
File "/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/liquidsoap_prepare_terminate.py", line 14, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/telnetlib.py", line 325, in read_all
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/telnetlib.py", line 516, in fill_rawq
buf = self.sock.recv(50)
Then I run "sudo service airtime-liquidsoap start" and the playout resumes normally.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? I have attempted to reinstall airtime and I still encounter the same issue. I have attached my logs in this post. I would greatly appreciate any help on this matter.
25% is a little high. Can you post the output of airtime-check-system so we can see the system specs. Also a time of day (plus your timezone), when it last happened.
I'm looking through the logs to point to a specific time (CST) that the image with icecast occurs. I can tell you for right now that it usually happens late at night...around 1-2am CST.