I would create a open book with your system but I have some questions:
When I create a group, is that possible who I give rights? For example: One group who I name "redactor", the people in this group can only write draft of a chapter and save it, this is not visible in the site and it's added in the statut "pending validation by the committee".
I create a second group, the "commitee" can validate the statutes of a draft chapter, after the validation, the chapter is added on the open book and visible for everyone.
The second point is about nodes, the architecture of your system sounds good to me but I want create "a map" of the book, when you read the story, the reader to the end a chapter can choose the branch (chapter 2.1 or chapter 2.2 for example)
I don't know if you understand correctly my need, I'm french and my english is not very good.
So I've found the role setting, but I don't understand, the editor have the same rights of the administrator! It's not logical for me, one person can explain me the differences?
admin gets extra system-level rights through the control center
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 6:44 AM, laurent wrote: > So I've found the role setting, but I don't understand, the editor have the > same rights of the administrator! It's not logical for me, one person can > explain me the differences? > >